Exclusive On-Demand Webinar from Natalie Choate
With respect to several issues created by SECURE and the proposed Treasury regulations on RMDs, there is still great uncertainty about whether there are “general rules” that can be applied when drafting a trust to be named as beneficiary of retirement benefits….ideally, “boilerplate” clauses that work for “everybody.” This webinar explores several of these conundrums, explains what is at stake with the particular concern, examines various proposed solutions, and TRIES to find a recommendation enabling drafters to move forward.
Rental includes 2 handouts: “Estate Planning for Retirement Benefits” and “Drafting Conundrums”
Unlimited streaming access for 30 days.
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$120 for subscribers to RetirementBenefitsPlanning.us*
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*$150 for non-subscribers.
NOTE: If you are an InterActive Legal subscriber you can access this recording FREE on the InterActive Legal subscriber website.