
Below we list answers to common questions about this site. Please avail yourself of this information to manage your digital subscription to Natalie Choate’s landmark reference, “Life and Death Planning for Retirement Benefits”.

If you need help, click Support and contact us.


How to Subscribe

To begin, go to the Subscribe page. This is where your purchase your subscription to the digital version of the book.

Choose Subscription Option: Monthly or Annual payment.

Check out with PayPal

Click the Checkout with PayPal button. This will take you to PayPal’s recurring subscription page, where you’re able to use your credit card.

A PayPal account is required. Login to your existing PayPal account—or, create one. Your name, email address, and credit card and billing information is all that’s needed.

At the top of this page, you’ll see your subscription info and your monthly or annual option. Click Continue and check out with PayPal. Our site uses PayPal directly to ensure your online transaction is protected. Save your PayPal credentials to manage your account.

In addition to your PayPal account, our site automatically creates a unique User Account, associated with your email. You’ll need to save your credentials (password and email) to access your digital subscription.

Email Confirmation

After you complete payment, you’ll receive several emails.

  1. PayPal confirmation of Account Creation.
  2. PayPal confirmation of Recurring Payment, and
  3. Email from this site, with Your Username and Password info.*

If you don’t receive this email after purchase, click Support and contact us.
To resolve for the future, please add to your Email Contact List.


How to Login

Your User Account lets you Log In to the digital subscription.

From our site, use the Log In section, on the top, right side of every page.

Enter Username (Email)
Enter Password
and Click LOGIN

This should redirect you to your digital subscription.

You’ll know that you’re logged in—the top right, Log In section of the site, will say,”Howdy (Your Username)” | And give you the opportunity to Logout.


How to Change your Password

To manage your User Account, click the Profile tab in the top menu. From here you can change your password, and update your information.

Scroll to bottom of page, and under Account Management, enter a new password, or use the strong one provided.
Click Update Profile and it will be saved.

To return to the normal site, click the top left “House” Icon, Retirement Benefits Planning, or the drop down that says, “Visit Site”.

If you can’t access your User Account, click Support and send a quick email. Our team is available during normal business hours to help you regain access. Our Support phone number is also listed on the right side of every page.


How to Access and Use Flipping Book

Once you have access to Natalie’s book, you can click Read eBook, to go directly to the reference.

The Table of Contents on the left of the “Flipping Book”, helps you easily navigate each chapter and sub-chapters.

Control Buttons on the bottom of the Flipping Book, in the gray bar, helps you better use the resource.

The Fullscreen icon helps you use your entire screen.
Highly Recommended.

The Search function is very valuable.
Search the entire book, for the exact term.

Use the BACK button to return from Full Screen mode, back to the site, itself.


How to Cancel your Subscription

To cancel at any time, you simply need to login to your PayPal Account.
Please note: this is different from your User Account.

Login to your PayPal account, here:

Go to My PayPal

Go to Activity

From your recent purchases, search for Recurring Payment from ILS Management LLC.
This takes you to your purchase.

Click, View recurring payment details, and at the top left of this page, you can click, Cancel.


If your subscription expires, you’ll note that when you try and Login to our site, you’ll receive an error message:

Digital Access
Your subscription has expired or been cancelled. Click Subscribe to update your subscription.


We hope this helps you manage your account and access to the digital version of “Life and Death Planning for Retirement Benefits”.

If you need help, click Support and contact us.